Please choose the preferred venue
Schloss Reichenau including vault
Only Vault or 11er Haus (Dependance)
Click on
in order to increase or decrease the number of hours or days!
Days and hours of the event
Number of days
First day: Number of hours
Number of hours
Last day: Number of hours
Time for construction and withdrawal
Construction and withdrawal takes place
on the day/s of the event
not on the day/s of the event
Total number of hours needed for construction and withdrawal
Number of days needed for the construction
Number of days needed for the withdrawal
Form of inquiry
For more information feel free to contact us (the inquiry is not binding).
Note: Fields marked with an * are mandatory.
Title *
Please select
Surname *
First name *
E-mail *
Phone *
Company / Organisation *
Date of the event (from) (Day-Month-Year) *
Date of the event (until)(Day-Month-Year)
Street *
ZIP code *
City *
Country (if it is not Austria)
Details of the event *
Further remarks
overall price
is calculated by the addition of the
basic price per day
and the
hourly rate
(the hourly rate will be charged from the second hour onwards).
construction and withdrawal half
of the
basic price
per day and half of the
hourly rate
are charged (the hourly rate will be here as well charged from the second hour onwards).
There are reduced prices for natives and NPO's - please ask!
This kind of calculation should only help you to gain an overview of the prices (no tax included!) that have to be expected, but it does not give you an estimate that is of binding nature.