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Menuebutton Schloss Reichenau an der Rax



Although the community of Reichenau an der Rax is almost located at the end of the Schwarzatal, it possesses an excellent traffic connection.

Get an overview with the help of Orientation in Reichenau

By car from Vienna or Graz via the south autobahn A2, S6-Semmering until the Gloggnitz exit, and then via the S6 for a good hour. From every other on Earth, you can plan your trip using information in the ÖAMTC Routenplaner.

By train or bus takes slightly longer. To find out how much longer and to relieve some of the stress of planning, visit the ÖBB Website .

For some, the nicest way to travel is by bicycle via the wonderful Schwarzataler Radwanderweg which starts in Erlach and travels 43 spectacular kilometers at an easy climb to Reichenau an der Rax.

Lageplan - wo ist ReichenauThe most valuable athletic way to arrive as a hiker is to come over the Rax, and then with the Raxseilbahn to Hirschwang down the valley and then with the Museumseisenbahn almost directly into the Reichenauer Kurpark!

Additional information and map material is available from the

Reichenau an der Rax Tourist Information Centre
Hauptstraße 63
2651 Reichenau/Rax
Telephone: 02666/52865
Fax: 02666/54266










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