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Menuebutton Schloss Reichenau an der Rax

Contact / Inquiries

My inquiry:
My inquiry:

(Note: Fields marked with an * are mandatory)

Title *
Surname *
First Name *
E-Mail *
Phone *
Company / Organisation *
Date of the event (from) (Day-Month-Year) *
Date of the event until (Day-Month-Year)
Street *
ZIP code *
City *
Country (if it is not Austria)
Further remarks


You could also turn to:

Mr. Richard Tauchner (chief officer)
Hauptstrasse 63
First floor, room 7
Phone: 02666/52206 - 13


Mag. Sabine Tauchner
Hauptstrasse 63
Ground floor, room 1
phone: 02666/52206 - 21


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