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Menuebutton Schloss Reichenau an der Rax

Car Park

Parkplätze in unmittelbarer Nähe No matter if you arrive by coach or limousine, hackney cab or mini van, the car parks at the eastern and western side of the castle and those at the so-called “Hammerwiese”, which is only three minutes away from the castle, offer you and your guests enough parking space.
Only a few steps away from the castle and situated at the way leading directly to the entrance, the visitor reaches the former grand stable, built in about 1614. From 1877 onwards the former stable was converted into a coffee-house. Today it is a well-known and popular restaurant named “Restaurant Schlossstuben” where one would be pleased to offer you an aperitif.
Every car park is visible and well signposted.
In order to get to the entrance of the castle you only have to cover a short distance; then you can start enjoying yourself!
Have a good time!
Mr. Richard Tauchner (chief officer)
Hauptstrasse 63
First floor, room 7
Phone: 02666/52206 - 13


Mag. Sabine Tauchner
Hauptstrasse 63
Ground floor, room 1
phone: 02666/52206 - 21


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